Meet the Artist

Hello and Welcome! My name is Krystal and I am the artist behind Raging Artist. I am a self taught artist that was born and raised in El Paso, Texas.

Most of my art is inspired by the iconic El Paso Star on the Franklin Mountain because “when you see the star, you know you’re home!”

I was the kid in high school that never paid attention in class because I was too busy doodling on my notebook, folder, or whatever else I could find. But it wasn’t until years later that I decided to pursue this hobby. Little did I know this hobby would become a career.

When tragedy hit our beautiful city on August 3rd, 2019 I was over come by fear and anxiety. I didn’t want to turn on my tv, or look on my phone, anxiety had taken over. After a couple of days, I decided to put on some music and paint my first El Paso sunset on an “A” frame sign that I could display in front of my house proudly showing the unity of this community and that we are El Paso Strong.

Three months passed and I needed another outlet when I became a single mother. After a nudge from my biggest support system, my family, I started Raging Artist and painted little 8x8in watercolor sunsets inspired by my original painting in August. 

Here I am 2 years later and I am PROUD to say “Welcome to MY Website!” What became self care has evolved into this amazing experience that has helped me provide for my daughter and pursue my passion!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website!